Zen Within Academy

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Space to Breathe

Navigating Cosmic Shifts with Resilience and Expansion

October 2023 Online Healing Circle

In the realm of energetic surges and celestial alignments, October 2023 brings an opportunity to reflect, recalibrate, and recenter. Our Online Healing Circle this month is aptly named "Space to Breathe," serving as a holistic sanctuary to navigate these transformative tides. Especially in this time of fluctuating energies, this circle aims to be your guiding light through cosmic turbulence.

The Need for Breathing Space

When celestial events like solar and lunar eclipses grace our sky, the energy fields around and within us respond dramatically. For the empathetic and the spiritually attuned, these shifts often lead to a contraction—a state of constriction that can feel like a tightened spring ready to snap. While these contractions are natural, they can interrupt the natural flow of positive energy, hindering blessings, support, and light.

The Mechanics of the Energy Body

Our focus this month is on understanding the mechanics of our energy body. It's crucial to strike a harmonious balance between an open field that welcomes abundance and a protective shield that ensures our spiritual and emotional safety. The techniques taught in the healing circle are designed to help you expand, root deeply, and maintain a fluid energy state.

Expanding Your Energy Field

We delve deep into techniques that allow you to expand your energy field, making room for light, blessings, and opportunities. This is especially vital when the universe is sending tests that challenge our emotional and spiritual equilibrium.

Rooting Deeply

Another aspect we explore is the concept of "rooting deeply"—strengthening our spiritual foundation so that we can stand steadfast in the face of life's challenges.

Thriving Amidst Life's Highs and Lows

This circle isn't just about enduring life’s tests; it's about thriving in them. It aims to equip you with the tools you need to flow amidst life's highs and lows seamlessly.


October 2023's Online Healing Circle, "Space to Breathe," comes at a pivotal moment, coinciding with potent cosmic shifts. While the universe will continually send its challenges, what matters is how we navigate them. This circle serves as a gentle reminder that even in tumultuous times, we can find a space to breathe, expand, and thrive.

Don't Miss Out! Sign up now to secure your spot and elevate your spiritual journey.

Ready to navigate the cosmic tides with resilience and grace? Don't go through this transformative journey alone—join our October Online Healing Circle and discover your "Space to Breathe." Equip yourself with powerful techniques to expand your energy field, root deeply into your spiritual foundation, and breathe your way through life's highs and lows.

Katie Sutton

is an intuitive channel, vibrational healer, and wayshower based in Charlotte, NC. She is dedicated to supporting individuals on their personal path to wholeness and fulfillment by helping them live as their authentic selves. Katie's powerful Healing techniques and sound healing therapies are incorporated into transformative workshops, retreats, and online programs to help participants achieve self-discovery and personal growth.