How often do you fall down the worry rabbit hole? Does your mind run rampant with anxiety and overwhelm? Are you able to access higher knowing and intuition easily?
The higher mind is the gateway to our soul and intuition. This is the part of your mind that your higher self is communicating through. The higher mind surpasses ego, transcends boundaries and holds universal truths. Unfortunately, the majority of us spend time in the lower aspects of the mind. Focused on productivity, tasks at hand and day to day worries. When we access our higher mind we have an ability to move beyond those thoughts of doubt and overwhelm. This higher mind state of being operates at a different frequency than our day to day task oriented brain. It is in these expanded states of consciousness that we are able to find deep peace and give our minds the chance to relax.
In this month’s healing circle we will be exploring the higher mind aspects, taming the monkey mind and working with the mental body to release patterns of doubt and overwhelm that we all carry. This will enable you to co-create with your mental body turning it into a true friend and conscious companion that will help to expand your ability to hold peace and function in flow with the day to challenges of life.
Sliding Scale Cost: $25, $30 or $35
Each month we will gather online to explore a brand new healing activation topic. These will be direct transmissions from Katie’s guides and will help you to align and harmonize with the energetic shifts present each month. Each session will be recorded and shared for those who were unable to attend live and so activation recording can be reviewed repeatedly for support throughout the month.